Registration Assistance?
Fundraisers - help subsidize the cost of your registration. Sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts to assist with your player's registration fees. Create a registration account online, download form, and start selling doughnut certificates. As you turn in your certificate order forms, you will receive your doughnut certificates, and we will apply a portion of the proceeds towards your account balance. Additional questions, contact [email protected].
krispy kreme order form.pdf
Obtain a Corporate Sponsor - securing a sponsor for the Milford Youth Organization helps us to pursue our objective of reaching the children of our community. With every contribution, donation, gift-in-kind or sponsorship, MYO's program participation, youth education, advocacy and leadership agenda is made possible. Registration fees are waived for participants who secure a Warriors Level Club Sponsorship ($500.00)
Become a Sponsor
The Milford Youth Organization is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization; all donations are fully deductible to the extent of the law. To make a donation click on the connecting hands below or download the sponsorship packet. To learn more about our Sponsorship program, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 678.648.1227.
2019 Sponsor Package
Join us in the plight of developing our future leaders. Even if you are unable to donate at a sponsorship club level, whatever you can send will be greatly appreciated. The important thing is to give if you can. And if you can’t give, please share this message so that, together, our community can help ensure that the Milford Youth Football and Cheerleading Program continues to reach and teach young athletes for years to come.